Thursday, September 21, 2017

Drama - just when you least expect it.

Today was one of those days that starts out one way and ends up completely different than what you expected.

It's Thursday, but to Jim and I it's kind of our Friday.  We will both be working tomorrow but we will be in San Diego for the weekend.

I have taken the day off tomorrow.  Today, I leave work around 3:00.  Lots to do.  First on the list in finding a place to get a pedicure.  I end up in Des Peres and I  find a fantastic place that ends up being my new favorite place.  Life is good.  

While I am there, I decide I am going to go back to our old neighborhood when I am finished and get chicken wings from our favorite place.  TJ Wings.  I am happy.  I am going home to the man I love, the house I love, the home I love and tomorrow we head to San Diego.

I'm not sure why the universe changed but after that wonderful moment in my mind, all Hell broke loose.

First, I find out two dear friends of ours are ending their marriage.  I am a true believer in "If it's not working, move on" so this is not necessarily a bad thing for them....... just a shock for me.

I leave the salon and decide that the rest of the evening is going to be positive!  Yipppee!  I arrive at TJ's Wings.  I pull to the back where you can park for pick up orders.  There is no place to park.  Luckily, Mark (one of the family managers) is outside and says "Just stay there and run in and get your order".  I am in the middle of the driving lane but hey, if the owner's son says I can park there, then I am parking there.  Again, things are going good!

I run in, get my order, thank Mark on my way out and head toward home.  This is where it gets crazy so pay attention!

I pull out of the parking lot and go to the stop sign.  I am going to turn left onto Vance Rd.  There is traffic so I have to wait.  As I am waiting I look to my left.  My window is in the direct path of the sidewalk that runs along Vance Rd.  There is a small motor bike (I'm not sure what it's actually called) coming toward me.  The driver actually makes eye contact with me. I am a little nervous that he is headed straight for me but since he has made direct eye contact with me, I am confident he will brake.  Silly me.  He does not brake.  He does not swerve.  He does not in any way try to avoid me.
HE PLOWS STRAIGHT INTO MY DOOR.  He hits me and flies into my window.  I see his body fly into my car and bounce off.  As I look toward my window all I see is his chest plastered against the glass.

The next few moments are a blur.  He says "I really just did that, didn't I?"  My response.......... "Yes, you really did just do that!".

He tells me he has insurance.  I say, "Great, give me your info".
He says, "Oh, well I don't have it on me".
I say, "ok, well I am sorry but I am going to have to call the police".
He yells" Why do you have to call the police?:
I say, " Well, if you have no insurance information, I need to call them."

He says" OK ,, well I have to go park this because it is not mine"

He then takes off on the mini bike thing.

Side note:  Someone once told me that instinct kicks in during these types of situations.  This is not true.  I watched him drive away.  I did not grab my phone to take a photo, I did not follow him, I did not yell after him.  Instead, I sat on the phone with 911.  I told the 911 operator that I could go follow him and she said in no uncertain terms that I should definitely NOT follow him.

I had two County policeman show up.  They were both very kind and  very professional.

police report is made, guy on the bike is not found, blah blah blah...
I call Jim crying. I tell him the story  I tell him I saw the guy splattered on my window.  I tell him the police are going to look for him but won't likely find him   There is very minor damage to my car ( a couple of scratches) but I want to hunt this person down and make them liable for what they have done.  This will likely never happen. They create the police report and send me on my way.

After I talk to Jim I am much calmer. I get home and tell him the story again.
The good news is we have our wings for dinner.

After I deliver the wings to my anxiously awaiting husband, I feel that everything will now improve.
Below is a list of miscellaneous things that followed:

Jim reads a message from a friend of his who is not in good health. One of his last facebook posts prior to losing his battle with cancer.

The cat that doesn't go outside, goes outside and we can't find him.

And the one shocking good thing that happens is that we find our first egg from our chickens.  This is truly one of those emotional days that go up and down!

We finally give in to our emotions.  What ever will be, will be.  We eat our egg, we send loving thoughts to Jim's friend and we hope that the crazed motor bike person is caught.

After a full evening, we curl up in bed together knowing that we are together and we love each other.
Thank goodness the day is over.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         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