Monday, August 22, 2016

My brother...........

I have not seen my brother in six years.  Life happens, time passes, blah........ blah ......... blah.

I will never let that length of time pass again.  I don't know what it is about him, but I need him.  I need his hugs, I need his laugh, I need his love.

Jim and I leave on Thursday to fly to Florida.  Jim has not met Paul Allen and it was really beginning to bother me.  In addition, I just needed to see my brother.

Jim and I have to go to the airport separately. I arrive first and find out our flights have been delayed.  Jim arrives at the airport just in time.  He immediately works on calming me down.  He is such a good husband.  We find out there was a complete shutdown of flights in Dallas so our flight from Dallas to Tallahassee was also delayed.  Whew....  St. Louis to Dallas.  Dallas to Tallahassee. We finally land in Tallahassee and head west in our car.  We are in contact with my brother and sister-in-law constantly to let them know our status.  We meet them an hour west of Tallahassee at a gas station.  Around 11:00 pm.

Emotional moment.  Jim pulls up next to them to park.  I jump out of our car before the car has stopped to run to my brother.  I hug him and can't seem to let go.  I am crying and telling him we can never go this long without seeing each other ever again.  I think Jim and Cece introduce themselves.  Then I hug Cece and can't let go of her.  Again, Jim is his wonderful, sociable self and introduces himself to my brother while I am basically breaking down.

Ok, emotion part of the story is over.  We follow them to their house.  Cece is the best sister-in-law a person could ask for.  Ever.  I just can't say how much love I feel for her and from her.  I enjoy her as her own person and I am so thankful that she and my brother love each other so much.  She takes such good care of us while we are there.......... while we continue to ask that she just let relax.  Not her style.  She manages to stay involved with our conversations as well as cooking, cleaning, etc....
Cece rocks!

We spend 3 days talking.  And that's about it.  Except Saturday.  My wonderful nephew, John, drives from Alabama with his wife to visit and join us for dinner in Tallahassee.  SO MUCH FUN!!!!

We truly spend most of our time talking though.  And laughing.

Jim is the best husband in the world.  He lets me be "me" the entire weekend.  He is a wonderful conversationalist but lets me connect with my brother at the same time.

A summary of the weekend would be:

1) My brother makes me whole.  He is my rock.  The person that loves me no matter what.  There is no judgement with him.  I know that he will love me till the ends of the earth and I will love him just as long.

2) I find out stories about my past.  About my dad.  My brother tells me I was my dad's "Princess".

3) I find out my brother is a farmer!  Holy Cow!  I guess it's in the Lanigan blood!

4) Jim and Paul Allen  hit it off as if they have been friends forever.  I am so proud of both of them and I am so excited that they immediately have a connection.

5) Cece and I have a great time together.  Again, if I could pick a sister, it would be her.

6)  I still love dogs.  Maggie and Muenster are Boxers. Jim (and I) fall in love with them.  Such gentle sweetness. Maggie connects with Jim and they form a special bond.

7) Jim driving a tractor tilling up the peas.  (watch out!)  Oh my gosh, I  cannot stop smiling!  He is really cute on a tractor!

We had an amazing time.  There is no way to describe the talks, the fun, the laughter.  So much laughter.  So many private jokes...........

- Jim's piece of gooey butter cake that Cece left for him in the refrigerator for his midnight snack.
- Cowboy hats and tractors
- alligator sightings (or not)

I cried when we left.  Jim tried to tell me that I needed to focus on the fun we had all weekend and look forward to the next time we visit.   Good advise.  I tried.

I can't wait until we visit again.  I vow to once a year......... at least.

The love I have for my sister-in-law is amazing.  Alone, she is an amazing person.  Caring, fun, personable.  Plus, my brother is so in love with her.  I love seeing them so happy.

The love I have for my brother.  I can't describe.  He truly makes me whole  With him by my side I can conquer the world.

The love I have for Jim.  Wow!  Can't imagine my life without him.  No one has ever been this "right" for me.  For my brother and sister-in-law to approve - and more importantly, the dogs! - is a true testament to his goodness.  He is the one for me!

In closing - you may not always have that connection with all family members.  When you do - HOLD TIGHT.

 Photos from the weekend below:


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